Direct services
Substance abuse Counseling
Individual, group and family counseling for youth who have been identified as a substance abuser. Treatment is client centered and based on individual need. Services can be as short as 3 months or as long as 2 years depending on need.
Life Skills Workshop
Workshops are 6-12 weeks and include interactive topics designed to assist youth with conflicts,. Parents, teachers, drugs, gangs, anger management, job skills, problem solving, finances, communication and changing unhealthy behavior.
Restorative Justice
A victim/offender mediation project Who meet and express their views. The process allows both parties to reach mutual agreement for offender restitution. ACAC also offers restorative Justice certification training for community members and professionals.
Parent Education
One on one, group and family format discussion concerning the affects of drugs and alcohol on the family and community. The parents are educated on the juvenile justice system and resources available in the community, Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the client recovery program.
Targets youth that are truant, gang members and at risk. Mentors spend time with young people and serve as positive role models, they share experiences, support goals and encourage youth to reach their full potential.
Indirect services
"Hope For Tomorrow" a youth driven stage play about infant mortality, CO-written, produced and CO-directed by community youth. It educates youth and the community on ways to prevent infant mortality. This production made its debut in Sacramento in 1999 and reached over 600 community members.
Interactive production
"The Drug Store" is a live interactive dramatization performed by law enforcement officers, federal officials, judges, medical professionals, mortuary officials, parents and others that present with a real life demonstration of the dangers of drug and alcohol. This project incorporates over 57 different entities that contribute time and expertise to realistically depict the devastating impact of substance abuse on the lives of children. Since 1996 "The Drug Store" has educated over 8,000 elementary and middle school youth Additionally a videotaped version of "the Drug Store" is available.
Project Male
A 12 session abstinence based family life, pregnancy prevention project that targets middle school males in an effort to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Project Male reaches 700-1000 males annually and has gained the support of youth, parents and school administrators.
Training workshops
Community members, professionals and youth receive free training, services and mediation provided by ACAC staff. Anyone interested in becoming a mentor can also receive mentor training. Workshops are provided on site or at your location.